เครื่องดื่มบำรุงสมอง เครื่องดื่มบำรุงร่างกาย เครื่องดื่มโปรตีนเสริมภูมิต้านทาน สำหรับวีแกน ร้าน Pleasantor Thailand
Due to the COVID-19 situation, many people are so stressful with every side of social problems which affect to their mental health and physical health. Everyone must adapt his life to face to many problems from the COVID-19 situation. When we have worse mental health ,we will have worse physical health too. When we are so stressful,we can't make decision and fix problem effectively.
"Good food can help you to repair your body. Brain wants good food too.
Especially,Keenarry Drinking which will reduce stress and anxiety
and help you to promote better sleep."
without sucrose or artificial sugar
without composition of animal
Muslim ,Vegan and person who doesn't eat animal can drink Keenarry.
Safe for diabetic patients and hypertensive patients
Keenarry Drinking is contained of 14 good natural materials. For example; Germinated
GABA rice, Cocoa, Sweet potato, Ginger, Pea protein, Protein and Omega from Sacha Inchi,
L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-lysine, White kidney bean, Stevia extract, Fructooligosaccharide,
Coconut sweetener, Palmyra sweetener.
Cocoa is utilized to make some desserts and be important materials for Chocolate production. Cocoa is rich of flavonoid. For brain,it helps you to increase memory in adult too.In addition, Cocoa can help you to increase attention, reduce fatigue and anxiety.
L-Arginine and L-Lysine are essential amino acids or we must get them from food only. Because human body can't produce them by itself. L-Arginine can increase blood circulation. In addition ,the study tell us L-Arginine and L-lysine can reduce stress.
L-Arginine and L-Lysine are essential amino acids or we must get them from food only. Because human body can't
produce them by itself. L-Arginine can increase blood circulation. In addition ,the study tell us L-Arginine and L-lysine can reduce stress.
Pea protein is known that is rich of many sorts of amino acids ,for example;essential amino acids, Arginine, Leucine, Lysine. For non-essential amino acid; Glutamic, Aspartic,Serine. Even if Pea protein has low Methionine and Cysteine,but it has high essential amino acid.
Keenarry Drinking
Keenarry is contained of natural substances with natural materials Amino acids which are useful for brain,they can help you to relax and reduce stress.
Keenarry Drinking can help you to reduce stress ,anxiety and promote good sleep.
It can help you to delay brain aging.
Prevents depressive disorder from lack of intaking some amino acids.
Keenarry gets Thai FDA food registered number is 76-1-00743-5-0009.
Keenarry is formulated by Thai pharmacist.
Every sip of Keenarry will donated to some disabled
(Cerebral Palsy) in Thailand.
We believe that every help will sustain Thai society.
If you would like to order, please add line.
Line ID: @236oxnpg
" Relaxing and gets the best idea: Drink Keenarry "