เครื่องดื่มบำรุงสมอง เครื่องดื่มบำรุงร่างกาย เครื่องดื่มโปรตีนเสริมภูมิต้านทาน สำหรับวีแกน ร้าน Pleasantor Thailand
Last updated: 17 Apr 2021 | 2454 Views |
Lysine is an essential amino acidand the body can make them on its own. by the body. We must be obtained through food sources including fish, eggs, meat, beans and supplements.Several researches have been revealed that lysine can alleviate the stress, anxiety and depression. Also, deficiency of lysine leads to increased stress in rats[1]. Moreover, lysine may block the 5-HT4 receptor which is associated with increased stress in rats [2]. Recently clinical study has shown that consumption of both lysine and arginine can reduce the cortisol level among healthy Japanese. This result may conclude that lysine and arginine can suppress the suppress and anxiety [3],[4]. An increase of lysine in food might be a beneficial choice for decreasing the stress and anxiety.
[1] Smriga, M., Kameishi, M., Uneyama, H., & Torii, K. (2002). Dietary L-lysine deficiency increases stress-induced anxiety and fecal excretion in rats. J Nutr, 132(12), 3744-3746. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/132.12.3744
[2] Smriga, M., & Torii, K. (2003). L-Lysine acts like a partial serotonin receptor 4 antagonist and inhibits serotonin-mediated intestinal pathologies and anxiety in rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 100(26), 15370-15375. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2436556100
[3] Smriga, M., Ando, T., Akutsu, M., Furukawa, Y., Miwa, K., & Morinaga, Y. (2007). Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. Biomedical Research, 28(2), 85-90. https://doi.org/10.2220/biomedres.28.85
[4] Lakhan, S. E., & Vieira, K. F. (2010). Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review. Nutr J, 9, 42. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2891-9-42